A. Modernica Naturalis:

A. Modernica Naturalis makes a breakthrough in natural, plant-based skincare that combines the best of East and West in modern formats, much like the Art Nouveau artistic movement, a style of ornamental art that flourished between 1890 and 1910 throughout the West.

The Art Nouveau movement has been interpreted by historians as a natural and opposed response to the Industrial Revolution, where artists' conflict with mass-produced inferior products took root. It was also the first time the West was exposed to the bold, linear patterns of the Far East.

Inspired by Art Nouveau, A. Modernica Naturalis imbues its own movement with Ayurveda Nouveau or New Ayurveda to provide a high quality, natural alternative to the world of skincare.

A. Modernica products are created using traditional Ayurvedic oils, pure Ayurvedic ingredients, and the wonders of Western skin science presented in modern, easy-to-use formats.